Then we came back to our house for ice cream sundaes, except Eli. He got to eat bananas and strawberries. I read a study when Isaac was a baby that if you don't introduce unnatural sweets to a child before they are the age of 2, they are less likely to over indulge later in they will only eat a small piece of cake instead of shoving down one huge or several pieces like many of us like to included. I was successful with Isaac keeping sweets from him until he was two. But Eli is going to be a bigger challenge as he sees the other kids getting things or happens to "steal" the other's sweets if they leave them behind. For Isaac's first birthday I made an applesauce cake that tasted pretty tasteless, so this year I just went easy with the sundaes and fruit.
Then we opened presents. I say "we" because we all know that Eli was only interested a little bit. As the third child he didn't need anything but he got a few cool things to even the playing field a bit in the constant "it's mine" battle cries that happen daily between the kids.
Eli's first year of life felt a lot faster than Isaac's did. I realize how many more little things pass by you when there are other kids in the house demanding your attention too. Now as Eli gets older it is fun to watch how his personality differs from Isaac. He's a fun little guy to have around...that is for sure.
Isaac with his mouth full of banana. Hilarious.
Eli with the banana in his mouth looks like Isaac. He looks so big. It is hard to believe he is 1already
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