Nov. 2012

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Waiting for Kyle

It is 5:35 p.m. and it is that time of day where sometimes each minute passes so slowly. I feel like I can't make it too many more minutes with the kids. So as each minute slowly ticks we are blaring some music. Isaac is wearing a Bob the Builder hat and Bob the Builder apron dancing on one side of me. Eli is naked and wearing a green safari hat dancing on the other side of me. Prema is waiting for me to check how well she scrubbed the kitchen floor.


Carrie said...

I am so totally feeling your pain on this post. Tim has ANOTHER meeting tonight, and this is just a night I just DON'T have the energy for the "get-the-kids-to-bed" thing that is so much work to do with one person. And Zion is teething and incredibly cranky and I have groceries to put away and the dishwasher to clean out and the kitchen to clean up and the boys to bathe and wow I don't feel like doing it.

Amber said...

Somehow I totally have the vision in my head!! Why? Maybe, bc I have seen it before. See you in an hour for some Independence Day fun